Predictive analytics that has the power to detect COVID-19
before symptoms show up with high accuracy.
Keep track of new contacts over a period of time. See where you have accumulated the most new close contacts, which could increase your risk.
Closed groups feature that works on a patented algorithm. Meet friends, family and colleagues, or make new friends without fear of exposure, using our ground breaking degrees of separation technology.
Risk profile for points of interest and public places
so that you can plan your day accordingly.
Monitor daily health diagnostics. Find health concerns before your doctor can, and notify your direct contacts so that they can be on the lookout for themselves.
Clearly visible social acceptance LED indicator of COVID-19, daily health status and Social Risk Score. Feel safe and make others around you feel safe.
Restaurants, Parks, Movie Theaters, Sport Arenas, Concerts, Bars, Beaches
Places of Worship, Parks, Schools, Colleges, Assisted Living
Offices, Factories, In-person meetings
Hospitals, Clinics, Doctor’s Office
Airports, Airplanes, Trains, Buses, Hotels
Grocery Stores, Malls, Banks, Drug Stores, Salons, Product Delivery, Food Delivery
Unity Band is designed to be worn with or without a conventional fitness tracker. Unity Band’s functionalities vary from general health and fitness trackers that track general health vitals. Unity Band’s sleek patented design snaps onto an individual’s wrist and can be worn with or without other wearables.
Unity Band is compatible to most Android and IOS based phones. Unity Band and the App is unique to the individual wearing the band, however a user can have multiple bands, and data from all bands will seamlessly stitch to create a single user profile. You can also include as many friends, family members and coworkers you want through your personalized Groups function. If you decide to give your band away it can be reset to the new user.
Only the Unity Band device has the ability to sync to the Unity Band mobile App.
The Unity Band mobile application can be found on both Apple and Android App stores.
At this time, the Unity Band App can only be found on mobile devices. Desktop capabilities will be available at a later date.
Unity Band has been designed and invented specifically for COVID-19 as we strongly believe the impact of COVID-19 is here to stay. It is the only smart wearable that has numerous features and functionalities to allow individuals and groups to adjust to the 'new normal' that COVID-19 has created, as the virus has impacted many different facets of our lives today. However, our development team continues to add features on a regular basis which will go beyond fighting just COVID-19.
Yes, Unity Band maintains a trace of close contacts and users will get notified on potential exposure. Our machine learning engine continuously evolves its definition of a contact, without inundating the system with risk-free encounters. All information stored is completely de-identified and is purely to create a social and risk pattern. The Unity Band App traces your interactions and stores the information for up to 12 months to keep you informed of any past risky interactions.
Unity Band’s device has multiple features that work together to prevent COVID-19’s infection and spread, including:
A Social Score is created from detailed analytics of a user’s social patterns and risk to exposure based on their profile, with simple, predictive guidance that will allow them to build habits as they adjust to the new normal.
Yes, you can connect the App with your contact list on your phone if the other contact is signed up to Unity Band using that phone number. You can also create groups with other Unity Band users.
Unity Band is not a medical device. If a user diligently uses the App to input information, the predictive analytics can trace your exposure and connect your risk factors alerting the user to take necessary next steps. Our team of Epidemiologists, Data Scientists and Doctors are continuously working on fine tuning our model to predict COVID-19 accurately.
Maps are updated in real-time, based on existing records of where contamination has been found. When you open the map on the mobile App, you’ll see real time density, the nearest test sites to book appointments, real-time location based risk scores and first and third-party location-based stats.
Using state of the art gyrometric technology, machine learning and predictive analytics, Unity Band will recognize when you’re washing your hands and the 20 second timer will activate immediately. Once the 20 seconds are up, you’ll feel a tap (vibration) to let you know when you’ve thoroughly washed your hands.
Relying on the same gyrometric technology, the Unity Band will automatically recognize when your hands are in the motion to touch your face. An alarm will alert you when you get too close, reminding you to avoid touching your face.
The Unity Band App will become your daily check-in to help mitigate risk while you’re away from the house. It includes charts to notify you how many people near you have been tested - whether positive or negative, group settings so you can make smarter decisions on who to physically interact with, safe location searches to make sure you’re staying away from COVID hot spots and conduct your own self diagnostic to make sure you’re staying as healthy as possible.
Unity Band’s sleek patented design snaps onto an individual’s wrist and can be worn with or without other wearables. It’s also device-agnostic and can connect to Apple and Android devices where the user can access all features and functionalities.
Yes you can give your Unity Band to someone else but it needs to be reconfigured to the new user in order to have accurate information and proper risk evaluations. Until a Unity Band is disconnected from your profile, no one else can use it
Unity Band is a wearable device and should be worn on the user’s wrist with the logo facing upwards and the strap towards the bottom of wrist.
Yes, Unity Band is working hard to add new functions and additional smart integrated devices, which will soon be available.
Please ensure your Unity Band is charged and your phone’s Bluetooth is switched on. If the problem still persists, please contact customer service which will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issues.
Unity Band LED colors are controlled by the software. LED changes color when a significant status change happens, such as testing positive for COVID-19.
Please ensure your device is properly connected to the magnetic charging port. If the problem still persists, please contact customer service which will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issues.
Unity Band takes up to 10 days to recognize the right pattern to reduce false alarms. Please contact customer service which will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue if the problem still persists.
Unity Band takes up to 10 days to recognize the right pattern to reduce false alarms. Please contact customer service which will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue if the problem still persists.
One Unity Band package includes the Unity Band, the accompanying charger and quick setup instructions. The App must be downloaded on your mobile device separately.
We are happy to accept returns of a defective product. The product must be in the same condition as was received. In the age of COVID-19, used devices will not be returnable. Please contact Customer Service for further support.
Once an order is shipped you will have to wait to receive the package and then ship it back to us. Customer Service will be happy to help you with the process.
Once an order is placed you have 24 hours to cancel or change your order. Once an order is shipped you will have to wait to receive the package and then ship it back to us. If you wish to order more Unity Bands, you should place a new order at this time.
Category of electronic devices that can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing, implanted in the user's body, or even tattooed on the skin
Simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems
Coronavirus Disease of 2019.
Any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals.
Self-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology.
A process of learning about, accepting, and adapting to an innovation.
Working environment at a company and encompasses all factors that impact the safety, health, and well-being of employees
Keeping a safe space of at least 6 feet between yourself and other people who are not from your household
Measurements of the body's most basic functions. Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems
Process of learning from historical data in order to make predictions about the future. It allows the best decisions to be made making personalized care for each individual.